Pic Series Of The Day: Christopher Schram by Zeke Photography

A couple of weeks ago I profiled actor and model Christopher Schram. Be sure to check out those posts if you missed them HERE: and HERE:. I loved working with Christopher and he certainly has been one of my favorite men to showcase on FH. Talented, creative,giving and of course hot. Christopher has a special look and when I saw one of his new shoots with photographer Zeke, I wanted to share.

I first saw Zeke's work when profiling model Kyle Pinsonneault. Kyle has a huge portfolio, yet it was Zeke's work that stood out to me. When I was researching more of Zeke's work I could think of no better word to describe it than classy. For some reason I did not like this word and did not feel it did Zeke's work justice. Then, the more I thought about what classy actually means, the adjective began to fit. Classy: Stylish, admirably smart, elegant and superior. These words fit the men and women shot by Zeke. Zeke's use of lighting as well as both simple interior backgrounds and elaborate interior and exterior locations, Zeke's images show great respect for his subjects.

Given Zeke shoots many models for modeling agencies throughout New York he also skillfully uses fashion in his work. You can see this in his shoot with Christopher. Through a few simple fashion choices, Christopher is able to present many different looks. Christopher says that working with Zeke was effortless. 'I felt immediately comfortable with him.' Christopher says Zeke kept the shoot fun and high energy by keeping things moving and constantly changing. Together they have created some beautiful images, the first photo at the top of the post being my favorite. Thanks to Christopher and Zeke for sharing their work! Please drop by Christopher's great site HERE: to learn much more about this great guy. You can also check out Zeke's blog HERE: and join his Facebook page HERE: where he makes regular updates on his work.