Randy Harrison's birthday made me think about some other Queer As Folk guys I have been enjoying. Now, those who read my blog know I had never really gotten into Queer As Folk. There was something too 'over the top' about the show and also Randy Harrison annoyed me. Before even turning on an episode I worried that given the attention it got, it could be a good thing and a bad thing to have this show as the way many people may think gay people live, well thankfully the good does seem to outweigh the bad. Many encouraged me to give it a shot, and I am up to season 3. I am liking it more than I thought, and although Randy is still hit or miss to me, I can see why he is so well liked by many. Dispite still annoying me from time to time, I cannot help by feel for his character and that is due Randy's talent as an actor. Right now, my favorite actor on the show is Dean Armstrong who is currently not on the shows I am watching, although I know he returns. Of course I am loving Sharon Gless, but still find myself FF through some storylines. But I will finish it!
Although this post is about Fabrizio, I cannot post about QAF boyfriends without mentioning Dean Armstrong who holds a special place for me with his beauty and talent. See my previous post on Dean.

Fabrizio Filippo is simply stunning! His beauty comes not only from is amazing face and body (which is perfect to me), it also comes from his musical talent and acting skills. I rooted for Ethan on Queer As Folk which is not an easy thing given the power of Brian and Justin. Hoping to see Fabrizio in more roles soon! This Canadian born actor is also a talented writer and director. Check out his site