Favorite Pic of the Day for December 30th

This shot of Brandon by Byron Motley Photography is much needed shot of sun on this cold winter day!

Happy Birthday today December 30th to:

Happy 29th to one of my favorite guys, actor Jason Dottley! Search the blog for lots more on Jason!

Check out more of todays birthdays HERE:

Model Search 2011: Down To The Wire!

Have you voted yet?

I know models and their supporters have been voting but FH gets thousands of hits a day so if you are one of those readers who has yet to vote in MODEL SEARCH 2011 why not take a second or two today to cast a vote! (Voting is on the right hand side of the page below the welcome)

Here are some more shots of model Ben Hutto!

A Note about Voting!

There are just two days left to vote. Starting tonight for the next 24 hours you can vote using the old format. Although there are a few guys with a lot of votes, there are about 6 models who with a push from their fans could take the lead!!!

New Years (mid day) we will be changing the voting up for the last leg not showing the results to add a little mystery to the final result!

Good Luck to all and thanks again to all the models who have take part!

Favorite Pic of the Day for December 29th

Above: Dale Rowse by Michael Puff.

I feel fortunate to have been introduced to dancer and model Dale Rowse this past fall by artists that have become two of my favorites that I have featured, Bill McClaren and Michael Puff. Dale has been working like crazy lately with some of the top photographers in the business. The above pic by Michael Puff is one of my absolute favorites.

Happy Birthday today December 29th to:

Happy Birthday to one of my first crushes, actor Jude Law turns 38 today!

Also celebrating today David Fumero, Diego Luna, Kevin Weisman, & Jon Voight.


Yeah I know reviews don't mean much, and I also know that the site that reviewed FH gives high praise to almost every site they review. But...I get so few so it was still nice to read kind words about something I put a lot of time and care into. Thanks to GayDemon for the kind words, especially needed as 2010 comes to an end!

"Favorite Hunks & Other Things is a very stylish, hip, urbane and whatever other modern terms apply to a blog which is personal, photographically-rich and model-centered. It pretty much has it all, in other words. Its lush dark background enhances the exceptional photography in bas relief as our eyes are driven ever downwards into the next great batch of photos featuring the world's most gorgeous men. This blog is rather mind-blowing, actually. TyeBriggs brings the professionalism to fashion an exceptional work of magazine/blog art out of his available tools, leaving much of his competition behind. Accessible, rambling and non-conforming, this blog senses our interest then grabs us by the eyeballs. I am utterly taken by the art employed here especially the stunning photography. Then of course, the subjects themselves all call for serious cravings from an adoring audience. Any model featured in this particular blog can feel like he is represented as well as one can even imagine. Man, what a terrific blog, TyeBriggs. This one honestly rocks the socks off the blogging world. And maybe more. This reader is impressed."

Model Search 2011

Have you voted yet?

I know models and their supporters have been voting but FH gets thousands of hits a day so if you are one of those readers who has yet to vote in MODEL SEARCH 2011 why not take a second or two today to cast a vote! (Voting is on the right hand side of the page below the welcome)

Here are some more shots of model Cody Kee.

Check out more of Cody on ModelMayhem HERE:

Don't worry, each of the top 10 will be featured individually before Friday!

Model Search 2011

Have you voted yet?

I know models and their supporters have been voting but FH gets thousands of hits a day so if you are one of those readers who has yet to vote in MODEL SEARCH 2011 why not take a second or two today to cast a vote! (Voting is on the right hand side of the page below the welcome)

Here are some more shots of model John Ryan.

Check out more of John on ModelMayhem HERE:
Check out John's official site HERE:

Don't worry, each of the top 10 will be featured individually over the next week!

All shots of John by Mark Henderson from Edendale Studios.

Favorite Pic of the Day for December 28th

Above: Anthony Steckle by Clemmons Photography (See more below!)

Happy Birthday today December 28th

Happy Birthday to FH Favorite Mason O’Sullivan who turns 21 today!
Photos of Mason by Ev Dylan.

Check out more of Ev's work with Mason on FH HERE: & HERE:

Also check out last years Birthday post featuring Mason, Seth Myers, Thomas Dekker, Sven Waasner and Alex Dimitriades HERE:

Model Search 2011

Have you voted yet?

I know models and their supporters have been voting but FH gets thousands of hits a day so if you are one of those readers who has yet to vote in MODEL SEARCH 2011 why not take a second or two today to cast a vote! (Voting is on the right hand side of the page below the welcome)

Here are some more shots of model Artem Shcherbakov.

Check out more of Artem on ModelMayhem HERE:
Check out a recent profile of Artem on East Village Boys HERE:
Check out Artem previously on FH HERE:

Don't worry, each of the top 10 will be featured individually over the next week!

Two shots of Artem below by Shutterbug.

Have You Ever....

Above: The Tutor by the amazing Dan Skinner.

Just Curious...
Since Christmas is the season for giving:

Have you ever wanted anything so badly...

Have you ever wanted anything so badly that you think about it constantly...

Have you ever wanted anything so badly that you think about it constantly, yet
when or if you actually were to receive it, as much as you want it, you know you could not accept it?

Anthony Steckle by Clemmons Photography

Back in August I introduced FH readers to model & photographer RC Clemmons. RC's journey from acting to modeling to photography is a fascinating one and if you have not read it please check out my previous post which features RC's shots of model Tom Stapledon HERE:

RC's experience in front of the camera has been invaluable to his work behind it. RC has a keen eye and the experience to quickly zoom into what it is about each model that will help make 'the' great shot. In the case of Anthony Steckle, RC's focus is not just on his body builder physique but Anthony has a very photogenic face with a great nose and lips which RC Captures beautifully.

My favorite shots from the shoot are the two shots with Anthony on the couch. There is a beautiful softness about them which wonderfully contrasts the other shots of Anthony in the series.

19 year old Anthony Steckle is from just outside Detroit MI. Anthony began bodybuilding in 2007 and has competed in five competition's placing 1st in all of the teen divisions. He is just beginning his career in modeling and wants to focus on body, swim/underwear and fitness shoots.

'This is my second shoot with Anthony. He has only ever shot with me and looks forward to breaking into the industry and collaborating with other photographers. Having both of his nipples pierced Anthony may come across as a tough guy but deep down he is a kind and nice as they come. The connection that we have as friends pushes our chemistry on set to its highest potential

We did this shoot locally in Myrtle Beach towards the end of the summer and as you can see from the sweat beads rolling off his back in the outdoor pics it was hot. The studio shoot was done with the help of my good friend Rob Mills of Rob Mills Photography as he often helps me with the lighting.'

-RC Clemmons-

Anthony feels equally positive about working with RC:

'Working with RC is great. He's a great photographer, and better yet, he's an amazing friend. Every time we work with each other, I feel as if nothing can go wrong. He gives great direction each and every time. RX is a great person and I absolutely enjoy our work together.'
-Anthony Steckle-

RC and Anthony have another shoot planed for February and RC says that it going to take both he and Anthony into a whole new area of work that neither of them have gone to before. I look forward to seeing the results!

Thanks again to RC for sharing his work with FH!
Check out more of RC's photography work on MM HERE: & on Facebook HERE:

Being Travolted!

Being Travolted in the kiss of death to actors and especially to actress's. What exactly is being Travolted? Well, not just working with Travolta, many great actors have lived to talk about sharing the screen with him but... Being his leading lady or leading man means your career is about to hit a wall.

Travolta's career can be broken down into three sections. First the beginning (pre Pulp Fiction). This section includes Welcome Back Kotter and the years of Travolta trying his best to be a romantic lead. Countless women, many immensely talented took turns as his leading lady. Almost all found the experience not really helpful to building a resume.

The second part of Travolta's career I will call The Men Years, this time covers the time just before and just after Pulp Fiction. Pulp Fiction served a number of purposes for Travolta, not just reinventing his career but it was the time he seemed to see that being the romantic lead (dance with Uma aside) was not working and he was better off with his leading lady being a man (in this case Samuel L. Jackson). For the next several years Travolta's co-stars were usually men and he left his romantic roles behind for action films.

The third, and hopefully last version of Travolta's career is post Battlefield Earth. About this time Travolta seems to realize that not only is he ruining the careers of almost every leading man or leading woman he worked with most of his work since 1980 was shit. Since then Travolta has for the most part abandoned having any leading lady or man and is sticking to mostly ensemble pieces where can no not be solely blamed for ruining the career of another actor or the success of failure of the film. I think this is a safe choice for Travolta. He has not made a decent movie since, yet at the same time has not added to his previous list of high profile flops.

Of course with any rule there are exceptions but I stand by my theory that 'Being Travolted' is the Acting Kiss of Death.

Take a look....

The Men:
The Sweathogs:

Except for Robert Hegyes and his time on Cagney & Lacey, none of the gang from Buchanan High really maintained their fame after the show went off the air. Ron Palillo mostly disappeared, Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs has worked steadily, mostly on tv but without IMDB I dare you to compile any sort of list of his credits.

Nicolas Cage
Pre being Travolated: Must see actor in Peggy Sue Got Married, Moonstruck, Birdy, The Cotton Club, Rumble Fish, Raising Arizona, Leaving Las Vegas.
Travolted in Face/Off (1997)
After Being Travolted: Hollywood joke still making big boring blockbusters no body really wants to see.

Christian Slater
Pre being Travolted: Hot edgy leading man in films like Name of the Rose (below), Heathers, Pump Up The Volume, Untamed Heart, True Romance.
Travolted in Broken Arrow (1996).
After Being Travolted: Movie Career fizzles out, numerous attempts to get a tv series off the ground.

The Leading Ladies:
Pre-Pulp Fiction

Kirstie Alley
Really what is there to say here.... Pre 1993's Look Who's Talking (and it's two pointless sequals) Kirstie Alley was a sexy Emmy award winning actress. After...

Jamie Lee Curtis
1985's Perfect did not end the career of Jamie Lee Curtis but it certainly did not help it. Arguably her chance to show she could do more than scream and run, this film was another one of those movies Travolta seems drawn to without really thinking it through. Like the much better Saturday Night Fever, Perfect is about a trend, in this case aerobics which was all the rage at that time (Richard Simmons anyone). Following trends in movies is a tricky thing and most generally fall flat. Curtis had an ok movie career pre Perfect and continued to have an ok movie career after.

Finola Hughes & Cynthia Rhodes
1983's Stayin Alive is one of those films that is so bad it is almost fun to watch for a laugh. Travolta's co-stars Finola Hughes (below) and Cynthia Rhodes both found their respective film careers come to a crashing death after alive. Rhodes went on to Dirty Dancing and not much else. Hughes continued a healthy television career but that face of hers was meant for the big screen, but after Travolting herself it was not to be.

Debra Winger
One of my favorite actress's Debra Winger shared the screen with Travolta in 1980's Urban Cowboy. Now Urban Cowboy certainly did not end Winger's movie career with two of her biggest hits, Terms of Endearment and An Officer And A Gentleman both coming out within a few years of Cowboy but... Like many of Travolta's leading ladies, one of the 80's biggest female stars career certainly hit some bumpy roads from the late 80's all the way to the present. Winger began rebuilding her resume in 2000 and was seen most recently on tv in In Treatment. If you have not seen 2002's Searching For Debra Winger it is a great documentary!

Lily Tomlin
1978's Moment By Moment remains one of those 'Why Did They Do That?' questions in motion pictures. (Travolta has a few of those Battlefield Earth anyone?)Lily and John as a romantic couple is almost laughable and laughing is just what many did. Tomlin's acting career certainly continued with 9 to 5 just two years later but any hope of a Tomlin being seen as a leading lady in a drama were dashed permanently. Tomlin's movie career pretty much petered out after Big Business in 1988 but she continues to be a force on television most recently in a great turn on Damages.

Olivia Newton-John
Now working with Travolta certainly did not end Olivia's singing career but it in no way helped her acting one. Granted Newton-John was not an actress to begin with but between Grease and the horrid Two Of A Kind, except for a couple of tv appearances and a cameo or two in the movies, Newton-John's acting career ended about the same time it began. In 2000 she did show she had a bit more to offer than previously thought with a fun turn in 'Sordid Lives'.

Karen Lynn Gorney
Actress Karen Lynn Gorney is really the perfect example of what Travolting an acting career can actually result in. Pre 1977 Gorney had a few small guest star roles on tv but was known mostly for her time as Tara Martin on All My Children. 1977 brought Gorney brief fame starring along Travolta in the iconic disco movie Saturday Night Fever. Despite huge box office and great reviews Gorney's career basically came to a screeching halt. In fact Gorney was unable to get any professional work of note for the next 15 years. In the 90's she showed up in guest spots and small roles but still has not recovered for her time as Travolta's leading lady.

Favorite Pic of the Day for December 27th

One last shot of Ryan Scott by Michael Puff whose work together I profiled yesterday.

Happy Birthday Today December 27th to:

Above: Craig by one of my favorite photographers David Arnot.

Happy Birthday today to Craig Malozzi who turns 23.
Check out more of Craig and birthday boys Logan Bailly, Wilson Cruz and Gerard Depardieu at last years birthday post HERE:

Model Search 2011

Have you voted yet?

I know models and their supporters have been voting but FH gets thousands of hits a day so if you are one of those readers who has yet to vote in MODEL SEARCH 2011 why not take a second or two today to cast a vote!

Here are some more shots of model Derek Vittum.

Check out more of Derek on ModelMayhem HERE:

Don't worry, each of the top 10 will be featured individually over the next week!

All shots of Derek by the wonderful Jon Whitney.

Model Search 2011

Have you voted yet?

I know models and their supporters have been voting but FH gets thousands of hits a day so if you are one of those readers who has yet to vote in MODEL SEARCH 2011 why not take a second or two today to cast a vote!

Here are some more shots of model Matt Eldracher.

Check out more of Matt on ModelMayhem HERE:

Don't worry, each of the top 10 will be featured individually over the next week!